We aim to influence more effective research and evaluation through our networks and beyond. We influenced the monitoring and evaluation strategies as well as research quality frameworks of various Canadian and international organizations.
CGIAR Quality of Research for Development
Our program’s influence on the CGIAR has been extensive. The Independent Science and Partnership Council (ISPC) adopted some principles and concepts of the Transdisciplinary Research Quality Assessment Framework. As a result, the CGIAR developed the Research for Development Framework (QoR4D) to guide CGIAR research effectiveness.
Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions Research Proposal Criteria
The Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions (PICS) adopted principles and criteria adapted from the Transdisciplinary Research Quality Assessment Framework in their call for research proposals in 2018. The change aimed to attract projects that were more deliberate in providing solutions for climate change and built stronger engagement with solutions partners.
Power To Be Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy
Along with Cheryl Heykoop, our team facilitated a Theory of Change workshop with Power To Be to develop a new way of monitoring and evaluating the organization’s impact. This influence helped improve Power To Be’s capacity to adapt programming to meet families’ needs and report on their successes to funders.

NSERC Strategic Partnership Grants Program
The Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) invited Dr. Brian Belcher to review and provide input to the design of a new Strategic Partnership Grants program. The program aims to leverage partnerships between academic researchers and research users to benefit Canada’s economy, society, and/or environment. Influenced by our program’s tools, NSERC developed a log frame for the Strategic Partnerships Grants program. In addition, the program’s assessment criteria drew on principles and criteria in the Transdisciplinary Research Quality Assessment Framework.
Ashoka Canada Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy
Our team supported Ashoka Canada to develop a Theory of Change (ToC). Ashoka Canada uses the ToC to support the monitoring and evaluation of their changemaker campus designation. In addition, the ToC guides changemaker fellowship program design and assessment, inspiring a culture of change leaders for systems transformation.