Ashoka Canada builds monitoring and evaluation strategy with SRE support
Ashoka Canada supported to build Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy
In March 2021, Ashoka Canada invited the Sustainability Research Effectiveness team to support the organization to develop a Theory of Change (ToC). The ToC will inform a new monitoring and evaluation strategy for the organization. The collaboration was a mutually beneficial exchange, as we gained the opportunity to test ToC concepts in a new context. Moreover, Ashoka colleagues participated in a thought-provoking learning session to reflect on their goals as an organization.
The Canadian branch works to build and cultivate a community of change leaders across the country to catalyze positive change locally, nationally, as well as in the wider global context. As a network of social entrepreneurs working to devise scalable solutions to the world’s most pressing societal and environmental problems, Ashoka aims to lead a change-making movement. Recognizing that everyone can be a change leader, Ashoka works to unlock this potential.
Learn more about Ashoka Canada. Read more news posts from the Sustainability Research Effectiveness Program.
The organization therefore works to build and cultivate a community of change leaders who catalyze positive change in the world. The organization works to unlock change-making potential so as to make the world a better place.