SRE supports Power To Be to develop a new monitoring and evaluation strategy

Power To Be
Victoria, CA
Our team held a full-day workshop with Power To Be stakeholders to develop a Theory of Change for the organization. Facilitators Dr. Brian Belcher, Rachel Claus, Rachel Davel, and Dr. Cheryl Heykoop designed and led the workshop. The workshop involved staff, partners, and Power To Be program participants and families. The Theory of Change will guide strategy for the organization and be its analytical framework for evaluation. Power To Be will pilot a new monitoring and evaluation strategy using the Theory of Change. This will enable the organization to track progress and achieve its goals. In addition, Power To Be aspires to report more meaningfully on program achievements. The organization targets specialized change, and therefore numbers alone are insufficient to characterize their societal impact.
Carinna Kenigsberg, Manager of Community Partnerships at Power To Be, commented on our support:
“The team at Royal Roads has been pivotal in looking at our current structures of how we measure and evaluate our programs. The team assisted us in creating a more robust framework to better meet current needs, while considering our hopes for measuring future impact. Their expertise, talent, and passion to build better outcomes has been a fabulous complement to our staff and stakeholders. The team is helping us identify and monitor change in a way that is centred around our people and what makes us unique, further positioning us to look ahead so we can be responsive to the ever changing need.”
Power To Be aspires to inspire youth and families in need of support to discover their limitless abilities through nature-based programs. Learn more about Power To Be. Read more news posts from the Sustainability Research Effectiveness Program.