Publications: Refined tools, concepts and methods

To support knowledge-sharing and access, all our peer-reviewed publications are published open-source and can be found linked below. Published case study reports can be found here.

Indicators for Monitoring and Evaluating Research-for-Development: A critical review of a system in use

Citation: Belcher, B. M., Claus, R., Davel, R. & Place, F. (2024). Indicators for Monitoring and Evaluating Research-for-Development: A critical review of a system in use.  Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, 100526.


Research-for-development (R4D) refers to research activities specifically designed to address critical social, environmental, and economic challenges and improve human well-being. It is essential to have well-designed indicators to monitor and evaluate progress, guide decision-making, and support learning and improvement. This paper reviews and compares two sets of indicators in use by a large international research consortium: i) ad hoc indicators developed by and for individual (non-pooled) projects, and ii) a standard set of indicators designed as part of a common results framework for a new portfolio of research initiatives. We assess both sets of indicators against the SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound) criteria, identify common errors in indicator formulation, compare the thematic coverage of the two sets of indicators, and derive lessons for improved indicator formulation. A large proportion of the non-pooled indicators fail to meet the SMART criteria. The indicators in the standard set are stronger, but with scope for improvement, especially in terms of relationship to the result of interest, specification of the indicator, measurability, standardization of outcome indicators, and impact indicators. We recommend having a balanced set of indicators of key outputs, outcomes, and impacts, based on clear and well-defined result statements.

Applying Theory of Change in research program planning: Lessons from CGIAR

Citation: Belcher, B. M., Bonaiuti, E., & Thiele, G. (2024). Applying Theory of Change in research program planning: Lessons from CGIAR. Environmental Science & Policy160, 103850.


Theory of Change (ToC) is widely used as a tool to support strategic planning, monitoring, and evaluation in many fields, especially for social and environmental programs. However, there is still limited documented experience with the application and use of ToC in a research context. CGIAR, a global network of 15 centers conducting international research-for-development, included a standardized ToC approach in a recent round of developing 32 large research Initiatives. This unique experience offers an ideal opportunity to learn from organization-scale ToC implementation and use. The paper provides an overview of research-for-development challenges and ToC concepts and a brief history of ToC use in CGIAR. We describe the application of ToC in this recent case and then assess strengths and weaknesses of the process and the ToCs developed as part of the Initiative proposals. CGIAR made important advances in standardizing ToC concepts and terminology, tools, and guidance, and in integrating ToC into annual reporting and evaluation. Nevertheless, many of the ToCs were insufficiently clear and specific, with substantial scope for further improvement. This is due in part to the rushed and decentralized proposal development process, undertaken during pandemic restrictions, but also reflects different mental-models of research-for-development processes and gaps in understanding and capacity. Recommendations to improve development and use of ToC include capacity development in conceptualizing research impact pathways, ensuring that research design teams have a dedicated M&E specialist paying particular attention to ToCs, improved ToC templates, and better accountability for ToC development and use over the life of a program.

How to build Theories of Change for transdisciplinary research: Guidance and considerations

Citation: Claus, R., Davel, R., Heykoop, C., Pinto, D., & Belcher, B. M. (2023). How to build Theories of Change for transdisciplinary research: Guidance and considerations. GAIA: Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 32(1): 186-196.


Transdisciplinary research (TDR) aims to solve problems in complex systems by drawing from a range of methods and expertise to contribute to change processes. Theories of Change (ToCs) are well-suited to support TDR design and implementation, but they rarely achieve their full potential. In practice, ToCs are often compromised by insufficient engagement with the context, weak theoretical bases, poor articulation, and a lack of iteration.

This paper presents a process for ToC design based on the authors’ experience facilitating ToC development for research planning and evaluation. We illustrate the process using an in-progress TDR example on patient-oriented cancer care research. The approach begins by framing the social and research problems and then identifies activities and outputs, key actors, outcomes, and underlying causal assumptions. Skilled facilitation and strong conceptual familiarity are key to effectively mobilize ToC concepts into a cohesive and testable model to refine a strategy with TDR stakeholders. Key considerations and resources are offered to enhance ToC development planning and facilitation.

Conceptualizing the elements of research impact: Towards semantics standards

Citation: Belcher, B., & Halliwell, J. (2021). Conceptualizing the elements of research impact: Towards semantics standards. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 8: 1-6. https://doi.org10.1057/s41599-021-00854-2


Problem Statement

Any effort to understand, evaluate, and improve the impact of research must begin with clear concepts and definitions. Currently, key terms to describe research results are used ambiguously, and the most common definitions for these terms are fundamentally flawed. This hinders research design, evaluation, learning, and accountability as a result.


Specifically, the terms outcome and impact are often defined and distinguished from one another using relative characteristics, such as the degree, directness, scale, or duration of change. Instead, we propose to define these terms by the kind of change rather than by the degree or temporal nature of change.

In general, research contributions to a change process are modeled as a series of causally inter-related steps in a results chain or results web with three main kinds of results: firstly, the direct products of research, referred to as outputs; secondly, changes in the agency and actions of system actors when they are informed/influenced by research outputs, referred to as outcomes; and thirdly, tangible changes in the social, economic, environmental, or other physical condition, referred to as realized benefits.

Complete definitions for these terms are provided, along with examples. In conclusion, this classification aims to help focus research evaluation appropriately and enhance appreciation of the multiple pathways and mechanisms by which scholarship contributes to change.

Leading inter- and transdisciplinary research: Lessons from applying theories of change to a strategic research program

Citation: Deutsch, L., Belcher, B., Claus, R., & Hoffmann, S. (2021). Leading inter- and transdisciplinary research: Lessons from applying theories of change to a strategic research program. Environmental Science & Policy120: 29-41.

Problem Statement

Theory of Change (ToC) is a useful tool in sustainability research for visioning, planning, communication, monitoring, evaluation and learning. Generally, it involves a mapping of steps towards a desired long-term goal supplemented with continuous reflection on how and why change is expected to happen in a particular context. However, there is limited reported experience with the development and application of ToCs in inter- and transdisciplinary research contexts. While some previous publications focused on ex-post application, there is little discussion about the process of developing and using ToCs in strategic planning and monitoring in large inter- and transdisciplinary research programs.

Case Study

This article reports challenges and lessons learned from the experience of developing and using ToCs in the inter- and transdisciplinary research program Wings (Water and sanitation innovations for non-grid solutions). In this case, the challenges include: (1) managing time constraints, (2) balancing between concrete and abstract discussions, (3) ensuring diversity in group composition, (4) fluctuating between reservations and appreciation, and (5) fulfilling both service and science roles while leading the ToC process.


In summary, the experience highlights the importance of alternating formal and informal interaction formats throughout the process, ensuring heterogenous group formation, involving early career scientists, being responsive to emergent needs and making the added value of developing and using ToCs explicit and tangible for all participants. Although these lessons are mainly derived from developing ToCs within the interdisciplinary program team, they can support other programs in both their inter- and transdisciplinary research endeavors.

Understanding and evaluating the impact of integrated problem-oriented research programmes: Concepts and considerations

Citation: Belcher, B. M., & Hughes, K. (2020). Understanding and evaluating the impact of integrated problem-oriented research programmes: Concepts and considerations. Research Evaluation, 30(2): 154-168.


Problem Statement

In general, researchers and research organizations endure increasing pressure to demonstrate that their work contributes to positive change and helps solve pressing societal challenges. Simultaneously, there is a trend towards more engaged transdisciplinary research that is complexity-aware and appreciates that change happens through systems transformation, not only through technological innovation. Therefore, we need appropriate evaluation approaches to evidence research impact and generate learning for continual improvement. This is challenging in any research field, but especially for research that crosses disciplinary boundaries and intervenes in complex systems. Moreover, evaluation challenges at the project scale are compounded at the programme scale.

Case Study

In this case, the Forest, Trees and Agroforestry (FTA) research programme serves as an example of this evolution in research approach and the resulting evaluation challenges. FTA research responds to the demand for greater impact with more engaged research following multiple pathways. However, research impact assessment in the CGIAR (Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research) emerged in a technology-centric context where counterfactual approaches of causal inference (experimental and quasi-experimental) predominate. Relying solely on such approaches is inappropriate for evaluating research contributions that target policy and institutional change and systems transformation.


Instead, we propose a multifaceted, multi-scale, theory-based evaluation approach. This includes nested project- and programme-scale theories of change (ToCs); research quality assessment; theory-based outcome evaluations to empirically test ToCs and assess policy, institutional, and practice influence; experimental and quasi-experimental impact of FTA-informed ‘large n’ innovations; ex ante impact assessment to estimate potential impacts at scale; as well as logically and plausibly linking programme-level outcomes to secondary data on development and conservation status.

A refined method for theory-based evaluation of the societal impacts of research

Citation: Belcher, B. M., Davel, R., & Claus, R. (2020). A refined method for theory-based evaluation of the societal impacts of research. MethodsX, 7: 100788.

Problem Statement

With high and increasing expectations for research to have social and environmental impact, there is a corresponding need for appropriate methods to demonstrate (for accountability) and analyze (for learning) whether and how research projects contribute to change processes. Evaluation is especially challenging for problem-oriented research that employs inter- and transdisciplinary approaches and intervenes in complex systems, where experimental and statistical approaches to causal inference are inappropriate. Instead, theory-based evaluation can be applied to identify and test causal processes.

Step-by-Step Guidance on Application of the Method

This paper presents a detailed explanation of the Outcome Evaluation approach applied in Belcher et al. (2019). It draws on concepts and approaches used in theory-based program evaluation in addition to the more limited experience of theory-based research evaluation, providing a brief overview of conceptual strengths and limitations of other methods. The paper offers step-by-step guidance on application of the Outcome Evaluation approach, detailing how to: firstly, document a theory of change; secondly, determine data needs and sources; thirdly, collect data; fourthly, manage and analyze data; and lastly, present findings. In summary, this approach provides a clear conceptual and analytical framework in addition to actor-specific and impact pathway analyses for more precision in the assessment of outcomes.


Specifically, the Outcome Evaluation approach:

Conceptualizes research within a complex system and explicitly recognizes the role of other actors, context, and external processes;
Utilizes a detailed actor-centred theory of change (ToC) as the analytical framework; and
Explicitly tests a set of hypotheses about the relationship between the research process/outputs and outcomes.

Evaluation for Social Impact: A Theory of Change Approach

Citation: Thexton, T., Belcher, B. M., Claus, R., & Davel, R. (2019). Evaluation for Social Impact: A Theory of Change Approach. In Evaluating Changemaker Education: A Practitioner’s Guide (1st ed., pp. 57-74). AshokaU.


In order to build a strong changemaker foundation for their business programming, Royal Roads University underwent a comprehensive redesign of their learning outcomes, theory of change, as well as evaluation practices. In this chapter, authors detail how they approached this process. Of particular note is their work to assess new learning outcomes by drawing on existing data collection practices, instead of reinventing the wheel.

A response to Hansson and Polk (2018)

Citation: Belcher, B. M., Ramirez, L. F., Davel, R., & Claus, R. (2018). A response to Hansson and Polk (2018) “Assessing the impact of transdisciplinary research: The usefulness of relevance, credibility, and legitimacy for understanding the link between process and impact”. Research Evaluation, 28(2): 196–201.


Hansson and Polk (2018, Research Evaluation, 27/2: 132–44) aim to assess the usefulness of the concepts of relevance, credibility, and legitimacy for understanding the link between process and impact in transdisciplinary (TD) research. However, the paper seems to misunderstand and misrepresent some of the ideas in the two main reference articles.


Consequently, the paper uses definitions of the concepts it aims to test that are inconsistent with the definitions offered by the reference papers. In addition, the methods description is also insufficient to know what data were collected or how they were analyzed. Most important, the effort to understand relationships between process and impact in TD research needs more careful definitions of the concepts outcome and impact. We also need more objective ways to assess outcomes and impact. Hence, this letter discusses shortcomings in the article and makes suggestions to improve conceptual clarity and methods for empirically assessing TD research effectiveness.

Outcomes and impacts of development interventions: Toward conceptual clarity

Citation: Belcher, B., & Palenberg, M. (2018). Outcomes and Impacts of Development Interventions: Toward Conceptual Clarity. American Journal of Evaluation39(4): 478–495.


Problem Definition

The terms “outcome” and “impact” are ubiquitous in evaluation discourse. However, there are many competing definitions that lack clarity and consistency and sometimes represent fundamentally different meanings. This leads to profound confusion, undermines efforts to improve learning and accountability, and represents a challenge for the evaluation profession.


Consequently, this article investigates how the terms are defined and understood by different institutions and communities. It systematically investigates representative sets of definitions, analyzing them to identify 16 distinct defining elements. This framework is then used to compare definitions and assess their usefulness and limitations.


Based on this assessment, the article proposes a remedy in three parts: firstly, applying good definition practice in future definition updates; secondly, differentiating causal perspectives and using appropriate causal language; and lastly, employing meaningful qualifiers when using the terms outcome and impact. The article draws on definitions used in international development, but its findings also apply to domestic public sector policies and interventions.

Defining and assessing research quality in a transdisciplinary context

Citation: Belcher, B. M., Rasmussen, K. E., Kemshaw, M. R., & Zornes, D. A. (2016). Defining and assessing research quality in a transdisciplinary context. Research Evaluation, 25(1): 1-17.


Problem Statement

Research increasingly seeks both to generate knowledge and to contribute to real-world solutions, with strong emphasis on context and social engagement. As we cross boundaries between disciplines, and as research engages more with stakeholders in complex systems, traditional academic definitions and criteria of research quality are no longer sufficient. Therefore, there is a need for a parallel evolution of principles and criteria to define and evaluate research quality in a transdisciplinary research (TDR) context.


We conducted a systematic review to help answer the question: What are appropriate principles and criteria for defining and assessing TDR quality? We selected and reviewed articles seeking: arguments for or against expanding definitions of research quality, purposes for research quality evaluation, proposed principles of research quality, proposed criteria for research quality assessment, proposed indicators and measures of research quality, and proposed processes for evaluating TDR. We used the information from the review and our own experience in two research organizations that employ TDR approaches to develop a prototype TDR quality assessment framework, organized as an evaluation rubric.


We provide an overview of the relevant literature and summarize the main aspects of TDR quality identified there. Four main principles emerge: relevance, including social significance and applicability; credibility, including criteria of integration and reflexivity, added to traditional criteria of scientific rigor; legitimacy, including criteria of inclusion and fair representation of stakeholder interests; and effectiveness, with criteria that assess actual or potential contributions to problem solving and social change.

Finding appropriate definitions and measures of research quality for transdisciplinary and applied natural resource management research

Citation: Belcher, B. M., Rasmussen, K. E., Kemshaw, M. R., & Zornes, D. A. (2013). Finding appropriate definitions and measures of research quality for transdisciplinary and applied natural resource management research: A systematic review protocol. Occasional Paper No.99. Center for International Forestry Research: Bogor, Indonesia.

Problem Statement

Research increasingly seeks not only to generate knowledge, but also exert impact. In this context, traditional academic definitions of research quality may be insufficient.


This article presents a protocol for the systematic review of new and emerging definitions, criteria and indicators of research quality in applied, inter- and transdisciplinary contexts. Additionally, it seeks to clarify arguments for or against expanding the definitions of research quality. Moreover, it aims to identify appropriate definitions and measures, with an emphasis on natural resource management research.

The primary research question is: What are appropriate criteria and indicators for defining and measuring the quality of transdisciplinary research in natural resource management research?

The proposed review will be based on literature sourced from a search of Scopus, Web of Knowledge and Google Scholar. We used search terms and strings  developed and tested iteratively, based on a benchmark set of references and incrementally refined searches designed to be comprehensive and to reduce irrelevant results.

To select relevant articles, two reviewers independently performed three rounds of screening by scanning titles, abstracts and articles. Once selected, the articles will then be reviewed for the following: arguments for or against expanding definitions of research quality; purposes for research quality evaluation; proposed principles of research quality; proposed criteria for research quality assessment; proposed indicators and measures of research quality; and proposed processes for evaluating transdisciplinary research.


To conclude, the results will be synthesized to provide an overview of the literature, and summarize the arguments and approaches for expanding definitions of research quality. In effect, this will identify and discuss the main purposes, principles, indicators and measures of research quality in transdisciplinary and applied contexts.